ICSE 2020 NIER Paper – “Automatically Predicting Bug Severity Early in the Development Process”

SEER Lab’s Jude Arokiam and Jeremy Bradbury‘s paper “Automatically Predicting Bug Severity Early in the Development Process,” has been accepted for publication in the New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) track at the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020). The paper uses the AutoBugTriager tool which is available as an open source project.

The 20th Anniversary of Y2K

“Y2K is a great case study that we can use to talk about best practices for how we develop software today.” SQR Lab leader Prof. Jeremy Bradbury was interviewed recently by Aaron Streck of Global News Durham for the 20th anniversary of the Y2K (Millennium) bug. You can watch the news segment and read theContinue reading “The 20th Anniversary of Y2K”

A Canadian Guide to the Heartbleed Bug

What is the Heartbleed Bug? The Heartbleed bug is a recently identified bug in the OpenSSL security protocol toolkit. OpenSSL is widely used on web servers to encrypt user data.In general, software bugs are computer program error that cause the software to behave in an unexpected way (e.g., crash, produce a wrong output). Security bugs are aContinue reading “A Canadian Guide to the Heartbleed Bug”

Static Analysis Tools for Concurrency

FindBugs – works on Java. In the list of bugs detected all of the “Multithreaded correctness” bugs are relevant to concurrency. Command-line interface or eclipse plugin (eclipse plugin update site:http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse/) Lint – a UNIX tool for C JLint – a Java version of Lint that is available as stand alone or eclipse plugin (eclipse plugin update site:http://www.jutils.com/eclipse-update) ParasoftContinue reading “Static Analysis Tools for Concurrency”