About Lab

The Software Engineering & Education Research Lab focuses on improving the software quality of complex systems through enhanced development practices, tools and education.

Software Quality

TIE Screenshot

Development of new software testing and analysis techniques for industry relevant problems.

Software Automation

Automation of software development activities using artificial intelligence (AI).

Software Education

RoboBUG demo

Development of new methods to educate and train software developers.

About Us

The Software Engineering & Education (SEER) Lab at Ontario Tech University is under the direction of Dr. Jeremy S. Bradbury and focuses on improving the software quality of complex systems through enhanced development practices, tools and education. In particular members of the lab conduct research on:

  • Industry relevant problems and challenges
  • Automation of software development activities using artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Development of new software testing and analysis techniques
  • Experimentation and user studies to understand how developers analyze, debug and test software
  • Development of new methods to train software developers

Current active projects include: automatic analysis of concurrent software, excellence in variant testing (XIVT), understanding open source software development, managing developer interruption and serious games for computer science.