Similar courses at other universities
- Empirical Research Methods for Computer Scientists (University of Toronto)
- Research Methods for Computer Science (Ryerson University)
Ontario Tech University RESOURCES
- Graduate Professional Skills Program
- A list of professional skills workshops offered at Ontario Tech University.
- Free online course modules designed for graduate students at Ontario universities.
- Research involving human participants
- A website managed by Research Services at Ontario Tech University.
General resources
Technical Writing & Presentations
- The Elements of Style, 4/E by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White
- A classic guide to writing. The original edition is in the public domain and available for free.
- Writing for Computer Science by Justin Zobel
- A good overview of writing, presenting and more that is aimed at Computer Science students.
- How to Write an M.Sc. Thesis by Howard Hamilton and Brien Maguire
- A guide to structuring a thesis from the University of Regina’s Computer Science department.
- How to extend a conference paper to a journal paper by Jeff Offutt
- Great advice on how to extend conference papers
- Why Scientists Need to Give Up on the Passive Voice by Jacob Brogan
- Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte
- A free multimedia book that provides general presentation advice – some of which can be used for presenting research.
Writing With Latex
- The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX 2e by Tobias Oettiker
- Provides you with all the information needed to write a research paper or thesis in Latex.
- UOIT Computer Science Latex Thesis Template (unofficial)
- This template was developed by students in my lab and conforms to the UOIT thesis formatting guidelines.
- ShareLaTeX, Overleaf
- Online Latex editors
- LaTeX Tables Generator
- Detexify
- A handwriting recognition application that identifies the corresponding LaTeX symbol for any hand-drawn symbol.
- LaTex Figure Annotation
- LaTeX and Friends by M. R. C. van Dongen
- This book provides an overview from using LaTex to more advanced topics like creating templates.
- BibTeX – managing references in LaTeX
- ACM LaTeX Style Guide – a style guide for using LaTeX with ACM conference and journal publications
Finding Papers & Managing References
- UOIT Library Guide to Computer Science – a guide to computer science relevant library resources at UOIT.
- Advice on finding relevant research papers
- A blog post I wrote for my own students in 2014.
- Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals [YouTube]
- Mendeley – a popular reference manager
- Getting Started with Mendeley [YouTube]
- Mendeley help guides
- Zotero – a popular online reference manager
- Using Zotero [YouTube]
- How to insert Zotero citations and references into a Word document [YouTube]
- IEEE Citation Reference Style
Reviewing Papers
- How to (seriously) read a scientific paper
- Before reviewing it is good to know how to read scientific papers
- What is peer review?
- Journals weigh up double-blind peer review by Daniel Cressey
- The Task of the Referee by Alan Jay Smith
- Peer Reviewing Tips
- These are aimed at the Life Science research community but apply to Computer Science as well.
- Conducting Peer Reviews
- Advice from the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin
- 10 tips from an editor on undertaking academic peer review for journals by Brian Lucey
- The advice in this article is aimed at journal reviews but is also applicable to conference peer reviews.
- Is It Acceptable For Academics To Pay For Privatized, Expedited Peer Review? and Editor quits journal over pay-for-expedited peer-review offer
- Articles related to the ethics of paying for peer reviews
- Scholarly journal retracts 60 articles, smashes ‘peer review ring’
- Article on corruption in the peer review process
- Patterns for writing good rebuttals by Andreas Zeller
- This page gives advice not on reviewing papers but instead on responding to reviewers (when a conference includes a rebuttal phase)
- PhD Comics
- funny.
- The PhD Movie
- A movie from the people who write PhD comics.