

If you are interested in joining the SEER Lab you can find details on current opportunities here.

[Current Members] [Collaborators] [Alumni] [Opportunities for New Students]


Jeremy Bradbury

Dr. Jeremy Bradbury
SEER Lab Director & Software Engineering Lead
PhD, Queen’s University, 2007.
research interests: testing and analysis, bug detection and repair, multi-core software, open source software, human-centered SE, automated SE.

Michael Miljanovic

Dr. Michael Miljanovic
SEER Lab Software Education Lead
PhD, Ontario Tech University, 2020.
research interests: computer science education, game-based learning, serious games, debugging.

Graduate Students

Nadia Goralski

Nadia Goralski
MSc Student, Computer Science (2020-Present)
supervisor: Jeremy Bradbury
thesis: Adaptive Parsons Problems to Enhance Learning in Programming Courses

Bridget Green

Bridget Green
MSc Student, Computer Science (Sept. 2024) supervisors: Jeremy Bradbury
thesis: Topics in Software Engineering & Education

Stacey Koornneef

Stacey Koornneef
PhD Student, Computer Science (Sept. 2024) supervisors: Jeremy Bradbury
thesis: Topics in Computer Science Education

Riddhi More

Riddhi More
MSc Student, Computer Science (2023-Present)
supervisor: Jeremy Bradbury
thesis: FlakyXbert: Improved Classification
of Flaky Tests using Few-Shot Learning

Undergraduate Students

Japnit Ahuja

Japnit Ahuja
Summer Research Student (2023-Present)
supervisors: Jeremy Bradbury, Michael Miljanovic
project: SnapCode: Empowering Underserved Students to Learn Coding on Mobile Devices in India

Amanda Showler

Amanda Showler
Part-time Summer Research Student (2023-Present)
supervisor: Michael Miljanovic, Jeremy Bradbury
thesis: Evaluation of Student-Written Test Suites

Academic Collaborators

Recent Industry Collaborators

  • IBM Haifa Research Lab | Haifa, Israel – Eitan Farchi
  • QA Consultants | Toronto, ON, Canada