Open source software developed by members of the SQR Lab is hosted on GitHub (
[AI-Based Testing] [CS Education Games & Tools] [Software Visualization] [Concurrency Testing]
AI-Based Testing & Analysis Tools

Software testing and analysis tools that have been implemented with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques such as genetic algorithms and machine learning.
- AutoBugTriager – an automatic bug triage tool for predicting bug severity using historic project data and natural language processing (NLP).
- MutationScorePredictor – a project that predicts the mutation score of methods and classes using machine learning (ML) and source code metrics.
- ARC & CORE – automatic bug repair tools for concurrent Java.
CS Education Games & Tools

Enhancing Computer Science and Software Engineering education through learning-centered games and tools.
- PACT – an adaptive Parsons problem tool that bridges the gap between Parsons problems and coding.
- Run, Llama, Run! – a collaborative physical and online coding game for children
- TestMiner – a serious game for learning software testing.
- ThreadedPaws – a serious game for learning concurrency.
- GidgetML – a modified version of Gidget that adapts to the individual learner using machine learning.
- RoboBUG – a game for learning debugging.
- Robot ON! – a game for learning programming through understanding and comprehension of source code.
Concurrency Testing & Analysis Tools

Software testing and analysis tools that are focused on improving the quality of concurrent software.
- ConMAn – a concurrency mutant generation tool for mutation testing concurrent Java.
- CFLASH – an automatic bug localization tool for concurrent Java programs.
- OSCAR – a noise-making and heuristic tool for testing concurrent Java programs.
Software Visualization Tools

Visualization tools for improving the understandability of testing and analysis.
- PIE – the design pattern instance explorer enables developers and researchers to examine a repository’s design patterns and their life cycles.
- TIE – a Thread Interleaving Explorer for Java Pathfinder (JPF).
- GitView – a visualization of code and comment churn in GitHub projects.
Inactive Projects
- CCMetrics – a static analysis tool for calculating concurrency code metrics in Java programs.
- Eclipticon – a concurrency testing plugin for Java projects in Eclipse.
- SyncTest – a unit testing tool for multithreaded Java programs. Available as a command-line tool or an Eclipse plugin.
- VisMAn – visualization tool for mutation testing.
- PriorityTestVis – a visualization plugin for Eclipse that prioritizes the execution order of tests.