PACT: Parsons Adaptive Coding Tool

PACT: Parsons Adaptive Coding Tool

Project Members: Nadia Goralski, Jeremy S. Bradbury

Software: [link coming soon!]

Description: The Parsons Adaptive Coding Tool (PACT) includes adaptation strategies between different levels of Parsons problems as well as the ability to adapt directly to and from a coding task. This allows students to work at a self-selected level of difficulty from a Parsons problem with no distractors all the way up to writing code. Specifically, students can move between five levels:

  1. Two-line blocks of code with no distractors
  2. Two-line blocks of code with a low number (e.g., 1-2) of distractors
  3. One-line blocks of code with a low number of distractors
  4. One-line blocks of code with a moderate number (e.g., 3-4) of distractors
  5. Writing code in an online editor

Presentations, Posters and Demos:

Poster Video (SIGCSE 2023):
