Adapting Between Parsons Problems and Coding Tasks
by Nadia L. Goralski, Jeremy S. Bradbury
Abstract: Previous research has shown that Parsons problems are an effective scaffolding activity for coding. Recently the development of Adaptive Parsons problems has provided more flexible scaffolding for students learning to code. However, there is still a gap between Parsons problems and coding tasks which can both challenge and frustrate novices. As such, we have developed an adaptive learning tool which looks to bridge this gap and support transitioning directly between Parsons problems and code writing.
Bibliography: Nadia L. Goralski, Jeremy S. Bradbury. “Adapting Between Parsons Problems and Coding Tasks.” Proc. of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2023) – Posters, Toronto, Canada, March 2023, pages 1289.