Run, Llama, Run: A Collaborative Physical and Online Coding Game for Children

Run, Llama, Run: A Collaborative Physical and Online Coding Game for Children

By Stacey A. Koornneef, Jeremy S. Bradbury, Michael A. Miljanovic

Abstract: Computational thinking and computer science are now being introduced in K-5 classrooms and this has led to a demand for more engaging and interactive tools designed for a younger audience. Educational games and block-based programming are two approaches that have been shown to be effective at engaging children to learn computer science. While existing tools have value, they also have limitations with respect to their support for collaborative learning and with respect to equitable access. Run, Llama, Run, is a collaborative educational game designed to be played by K-5 students both with and without access to a tablet or computer. The game includes physical programming blocks where a group of students work together to find a solution for a given scenario. A digital interface is available to execute and animate student solutions and a non-digital alternative allows students to act out their solutions. This demo of Run, Llama, Run provides a chance for participants to play both versions of the game and observe the potential impact this game could have for students.

Bibliography: Stacey A. Koornneef, Jeremy S. Bradbury, Michael A. Miljanovic. “Run, Llama, Run: A Collaborative Physical and Online Coding Game for Children.” Proc. of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2022) – Demonstration (Abstract), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, March 2022, pages 1177.

Demo Video: