FindBugs – works on Java. In the list of bugs detected all of the “Multithreaded correctness” bugs are relevant to concurrency. Command-line interface or eclipse plugin (eclipse plugin update site:
GrammaTech’s CodeSonar – commercial tool that can detect a special case race condition and locking issues in C/C++ (see datasheet for list of all bugs detected).
Chord – static and dynamic analysis tool for Java (listed above as well).
JSure for Concurrency – a commercial tool from SureLogic that is currently available in early release.
ESC/Java 2 – can detect race conditions and deadlocks – requires annotation (more…)
RacerX – uses flow-sensitive static analysis tool for detection race conditions and deadlocks in C [paper][slides]
SyncChecker – a tool developed by F. Otto and T. Moschny for finding race conditions and deadlocks in Java. Reduce false positives by combining static analysis with points-to and may-happen-in-parallel (MHP) information.
Warlock – race detection tool for C – requires annotation.