According to the 2024-25 Academic Calendar, the course is described as follows:
CSCI 3060U Software Quality Assurance. Building on previous software design courses, this course concentrates on the rigorous development of high quality software systems. Topics covered in this course include software process, software verification and validation (testing, inspection), software metrics, and software maintenance. A major team project is an important feature of this course. 3 cr, 3 lec, 1.5 lab. This course may be offered in a hybrid format with 1.5 hours of lectures and 1.5 hours online lectures and learning materials. Prerequisites: CSCI 2020U, CSCI 2040U or CSCI 3040U. Credit restriction: SOFE 3980U.
The course outline is available here.
- Course Project 50%
- Term Tests (3) 40%
- Participation 10%