SEER Lab’s Jeremy Bradbury participated as a panelist in this afternoon’s Fishbowl Panel on “The Role of AI in Software Testing” at the 17th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2024). The panel was chair by Gregory Gay (University of Gothenburg) and include panelists Joana Coutinho/Alexandre Lemos (OutSystems, Portugal), Mehrdad SaadatmandContinue reading “ICST 2024 Panel – “The Role of AI in Software Testing””
Category Archives: Research Advice
Advice on Finding Relevant Research Papers
One of the questions I often get asked by new research students in my lab is how can they find research papers that are relevant to their thesis. For a student new to research this can be a very daunting task and doing a straight Google, Bing or Yahoo search generates a lot of noiseContinue reading “Advice on Finding Relevant Research Papers”
Empirical Methods Should Guide the Development of New Software Engineering Tools
The following quote is one of my favorite quotes regarding the right way to conduct Software Engineering (SE) research. It summarizes the importance of utilizing empirical methods to inspire and guide the development of new SE tools and techniques: “In all fields of SE, empirical methods should enable the development of scientific knowledge about howContinue reading “Empirical Methods Should Guide the Development of New Software Engineering Tools”
The Importance of Incremental Research
Last year Bertrand Meyer authored a post titled Long Live Incremental Research! at BLOG@CACM. Rather then writing my own post on the topic, I instead want to encourage people to read Meyer’s post as I think he does a great job of summarizing the importance of approaching research incrementally and not aiming for the next great breakthrough. A few quotesContinue reading “The Importance of Incremental Research”